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Nutritionist Cambridge

Chicken Pate

This would have to be the best Pate I have ever eaten! And the best thing, is it makes a big batch so you can freeze the extras. I cant remember where I got this recipe from but it’s a winner!


1 tbsp olive oil

45ml Brandy

45ml Port

1/2c Shallots sliced

1 tsp chopped thyme

1 tsp crushed garlic

500g chicken livers

orange zest from 1 orange

2 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

600g melted butter (yip that much!)

3 egg yolks

1 egg white


1. Weigh out all the ingredients first.

2. Heat a frying pan to a high heat and add in the olive oil. Fry the livers on one side until brown. Remove from the pan and place onto a plate to stop the cooking.

3. In a pot, use a small amount of the butter to gently sweat the shallots and the garlic for 2 minutes. Add the thyme, orange zest, brandy and port to the onions and garlic. Reduce the mixture over a medium heat for 2 more minutes.

4. Pour the livers, onion/garlic mixture and eggs into the food processor. Begin to blend the ingredients and then pour in the melted butter in a steady stream.

5. Pass the mixture through a sieve and then season generously with salt and pepper.

6. Take a loaf tin and line it with a layer of cling wrap - this ensures the pate will come out of the tin after cooking. (This isn't essential, you can simply bake directly in the tin but you will have a spreadable paste from the tin Instead of a sliceable free standing pate).

7. Pour the mixture into the lined tin, wrap the top of the tin with cling wrap and tin foil. Take a large, deep, oven dish and half fill it with the hot water. Place the loaf tin into the oven dish and carefully place the whole thing in the oven to cook. The time will vary from 40 minutes to an hour. After 40 minutes, check the core temperature by probing the mixture sharply with the thermometer. The temperature should reach a minimum of 65-70°C, the residual heat will continue to raise the temperature so it is important not to go too high and risk overcooking the paté.

8. Once the temperature is reached, remove from the oven, take out of the oven dish and let cool for 30 minutes. At this point transfer it to the fridge to fully cool for 3 hours before serving.



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